Wednesday, March 9, 2011

03-09-2011: Painting, day 16; Granite, day 2; Baby chicks, arrived early!

The granite guys were back today and got the master bathroom and basement tops installed. They'll be back tomorrow to finish up. I didn't get any pictures because they were here until almost dark and the lighting wasn't good enough to get a decent picture.

The concrete guys weren't here. Rick worked on taping, and we were able to paint the office, dining room and one hallway tonight. The master bedroom was taped, but we were tired and it was almost 10:00 when we got to there.

I got a call this afternoon, and the new baby chicks arrived a day early! I wasn't exactly ready for them yet, but we managed to get everything set up (correctly I hope!) and got them situated. It was hard to believe that 25 chickens fit into and survived overnight in that small packing box. Everyone seems to be doing ok now, but the two guineas kind of had a rough start. They are all very cute.

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