Thursday, August 19, 2010

08-19-2010: Framing, day 8

They finished decking the roof except for a small area over the porch which hasn't been completely figured out yet.  Rick will have to put in footings to hold the front posts before they finish the peaked portion of the porch. 

They put up most of the lapboard under the porches but ran out before the back was finished.  They also finished vaulting ceilings in dining room and guest bedroom, framed out the fireplace, framed out the door in the basement, and put up a small wall in the master bathroom between the back of the tub and the shower.  There are a few more things to work on, but we think that tomorrow they'll finish up just about everything they can do right now.  There still is some work with cedar beams, windows, doors, chimney, etc. 

The fireplace was ordered today, and the brick guy came out and will tell us tomorrow how much brick we need to order.  The electrician, plumber, and a/c guys should get started inside the house at the first of next week.  Rick will also start filling nail holes, caulking, and prepping to paint the eaves, soffits, fascia, and under the porches before the brick and roof shingles are started.  The fireplace also has to be installed and the chimney bricked before the shingles are put on.  When the electrician, plumber, and a/c guys get their parts finished, the sheetrockers can start.  There will be lots going on for the next few weeks, but it probably won't look like much progress.

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