Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10-05-2010: Taping & bedding, day 2; SNAKE!

No pictures today.  The taping and bedding continue, and it doesn't look terribly different than yesterday.  We think they may be through with everything, including texturing the walls, by the end of the week.

When I got home from work this afternoon, I made a quick trip to the garden to grab some peppers for dinner.  On the way back in, I glimpsed something curled up by the small watermelon which was sitting on the front porch right beside the front door.  It was a small snake and looked like a hog nose.  I went and got Rick anyway because I just don't deal with snakes except to shoot them or smash them with something, and this one was too close to the door.  It turns out it was a rattlesnake...curled up a couple of feet from my door!!  Not good!!

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